After a stop in Phoenix for YAllapalooza, I’m on my way to climes eastern and cold. Lnhammer and the tuxedo kitty gang are holding down the fort for the duration.
The northeast is rather cold this week, isn’t it?
One thing about traveling (and even not-traveling) is, you stumble upon fragments of other people’s stories. So here’s today’s:
A mom and teen on the rental car shuttle beside me, daughter holding a slim instrument case.
Mom asks quietly, “You ready for this?”
Daughter answers, more quietly, “Yeah.”
Dear Internet,
No, no, no. I just wanted to look at pictures of baby ravens. I didn’t want to buy one.
Not everything of value needs to be available for my personal purchase and ownership. You and your peeps might consider that sometime.
P.S. Also, am beginning to suspect there’s no search term on this earth that won’t make you toss up a link to a Naruto fanfic. But hey, we all have our quirks.
Mother adjusting how toddler is strapped into high chair: “We’re not whiners, we’re solution finders!”
I wonder what Honest Toddler would have to say about that?
Hi! I was visiting your mountain lion page at, and saw that its genus and species were listed as Felis concolor. My understanding was that the mountain lion had been reclassified as Puma concolor a couple decades back. Is there still debate about the correct species name, or is this merely old information that has not yet been updated?
Thanks so much for your reply!
And, in my inbox today (after an earlier email saying the question had been forwarded to the relevant staff), a reply:
Thank you for your e-mail.
Yes, we can confirm that the scientific name for mountain lions was changed to Puma concolor. The appropriate departments have been notified.
We appreciate your feedback given.
Customer Service Team
San Diego Zoo
San Diego Zoo Safari Park
Dear Internet and Google and Advertisers Everywhere,
By changing the ads you show me almost daily based on my latest round of intense book-based research, you may think you’re just showing you care.
But actually, the effect is way more stalkery than that.
Dear Tucson,
I know, I know. I’m probably just getting complacent, after our recent stretch of merely warm temperatures. It’s not like we haven’t been here before, after all, here and quite a ways beyond here.
But even so, I feel the need to say: It is really quite hot out today.
That is all.
P.S. Yes, I have noticed that Phoenix is warmer still. I do appreciate that this means all is as it should be. Like I said, it’s not you, it’s me.