I’m thrilled to announce the release of the second book in my Writing Life series,
Doing What You Love. Based on one of my most popular talks, this inspiring ebook takes a look at the things I’ve learned through the years about living a creative life. While the focus is writing, it also applies to other creative fields. Here are the details!
Write More and Worry Less
Write more and worry less! Move your writing and your passion from the edges to the center of your life as you discover:
• Why writing isn’t all about “talent”
• The value of taking creative risks
• How to embrace imperfection
• Ways to manage doubts and put setbacks in perspective
• Reasons to let your fear—and your joy—take the lead
• The myth of that one big break
• How to choose which advice to listen to—and which to discard
• The power of writing without apologies
• Why following your creative passion may be the most practical thing you can do
Acclaimed author Janni Lee Simner has spent the past quarter century writing books, short stories, interactive fiction, and nonfiction for teens, children, and adults. In Doing What You Love she shares down-to-earth strategies for how to get started—and how to keep going—living a creative life.
Doing What You Love is available wherever ebooks are sold! Order your copy now from:
– Kobo and their independent bookstore partners
– Barnes and Noble
– Amazon
– Apple
– Smashwords
New to the Writing Life Series? Order Doing What You Love and Finding Your Sense of Place together and I’ll send you a free e-copy of my creepy short story “Drawing the Moon!” Just forward a screenshot or copy of your receipt to janni@simner.com before the end of July.