AzLA Author/Illustrator Awards Luncheon

Tuesday I headed up to the Arizona Library Association (AzLA) conference to accept the Judy Goddard/Libraries Ltd. Arizona Young Adult Author Award for Bones of Faerie. The award is for an author who lives in or is associated with Arizona. This was tremendously exciting to me, especially since (as anyone who reads this blog knows!) Arizona is the place where I became attuned to land and landscape, and so is an influence on whatever places I write about.

[award acceptance photos]

Barbara Gowan received the Arizona Children’s Author Award for her G is for Grand Canyon the same day:

The award is a traditional Native American storyteller. It’s utterly gorgeous. (And I’d always wanted a storyteller figure above my desk, too!)

Others later pointed out for me that a single singing figure, with a single child in her lap, is particularly especially appropriate for Bones of Faerie.

And this is me with author Jennifer J. Stewart (jennifer_j_s and illustrator Lynne Avril, who were up there signing their The Twelve Days of Christmas in Arizona:

As you can tell, we children’s writers are quite a dignified bunch. 🙂

I still smile every time I look at my storyteller. Thank you again, Arizona librarians–it truly is an honor.

“When October goes …”

I’ll be at the Arizona Library Association Conference November 16, where I’m incredibly honored to be receiving the Judy Goddard/Libraries, Ltd. Arizona Young Adult Author Award.

– 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.: Author/Illustrator Award Luncheon

– 1:10-2:10 p.m.: Author Award Panel (with Childrens Author Award Recipient Barbara Gowan, as well as Grand Canyon Reader Award recipients Alan Katz and Melanie Watt), booksigning follows


I’ll be at TusCon, Tucson’s science fiction convention, November 12-14. Here’s my schedule!

– Sat, Nov 13, 4 p.m.: Reading

– Sun, Nov 14, noon: Hooray! You’ve sold a book! Now what? How to develop your career as a writer (with Shannon K. Butcher, Jim Butcher, Susan Krinard, Jordan Summers, and Sam Sykes)
