Whispers of vengeance and battle gave way to whispers of bad weather and lost grazing, of failing crops and starving livestock. I have committed no crime. A charm to keep foxes from lambs, nothing more! Freki sniffed disdainfully. “There is no charm that can keep a fox from a lamb.”So they remain the heroes of their own stories, perhaps. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Addressed a few last-minute page proof questions for Faerie After today. Certain passages still make me cry a little. That is all. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The raven book still doesn’t have a title (Raven River? Raven Remembering? Ravens and Some Other Things Too?) but, titled or untitled, is due the end of this month. So I’ll be pretty head-down among the shapeshifters the next few weeks. None of whom, oddly, seem to be arctic foxes.
Scattered odds and ends
There’s a stiff cool (by local standards) wind blowing across the valley today. It feels very much like autumn is shouldering its way in to the desert.
Today I stumbled upon this reminder that arctic foxes are not always the hero the story.
Or as Freki says in Thief Eyes:
I Know What You Ravens Did Last Summer