Opening Acts: An SF/Fantasy Ebook Sampler

So here’s a cool thing: Opening Acts: 25 Science Fiction and Fantasy First Chapters. It’s a free ebook sampler, in all the usual ebook formats and some other formats as well, and it includes, well, what it says. 🙂

I’m part of it, but if you’re here, there’s a reasonably chance you’ve already read the first chapter of Bones of Faerie. (But hey, I snuck in the second chapter too–don’t tell!) So read it for all the other most excellent folks whose opening chapters you can also sample here:

7th Sigma by Steven Gould
Bone Shop by T.A. Pratt
Bones of Faerie by Janni Lee Simner
The Brahms Deception by Louise Marley
Carousel Tides by Sharon Lee
The Cloud Road by Martha Wells
Dangerous Water by Juliet E. McKenna
The Dread Hammer by Trey Shiels
Flesh and Fire by Laura Anne Gilman
Fright Court by Mindy Klasky
The Heretic by Joseph Nassise
House of the Star by Caitlin Brennan
Indigo Springs by A.M. Dellamonica
Jade Tiger by Jenn Reese
Kat, Incorrigible by Stephanie Burgis
Medium Dead by Chris Dolley
Midnight at Spanish Gardens by Alma Alexander
Play Dead by John Levitt
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready
The Snow Queen’s Shadow by Jim C. Hines
Spellcast by Barbara Ashford
The Spirit Lens by Carol Berg
TruthSeeker by C.E. Murphy
Up Against It by M.J. Locke
With Fate Conspire by Marie Brennan

I’ve read and can vouch for House of the Star, Indigo Springs, Kat, Incorrigible, and earlier books in Marie Brennan’s series as all being worth your time, and I’m looking forward to sampling all the rest myself.

With 25 chapters there’s bound to be something that’s what you’re looking to read next, so … why not give it a try? 🙂

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