A couple more reviews of Faerie Winter:
From Tor.com: How to Love Someone You Can’t Trust: “Simner’s writing has the solemnity and power of poetry, with the clear directness of the simplest prose … eventually Liza has to learn not only to bear the responsibilities for her own actions, but not to judge others too harshly for theirs.”
From Eve’s Fan Garden: “The world Janni created worked its way into my mind and heart … Her writing is beautiful. She creates characters that are believable and true … and she knows how to write a strong female character.” (This was actually one of Faerie Winter‘s first reviews, only somehow it got dropped from the last post!)
ETA: How could I forget this awesome review based entirely on Faerie Winter‘s cover? 🙂
More takes on Faerie Winter from Snarky Mamma and Bones of Faerie from Rachel at Young Adult Books Central.
And, Thief Eyes has been named a Bank Street Best Book for 2011. Yay!