Faerie Winter releases … tomorrow!

Which is the day after today. (Insert thoughts here on time, the speed with which it both does and doesn’t pass, and so on.)

Here’s an excerpt from Faerie Winter; and another from Thief Eyes, which gets a whole new look in paperback tomorrow, too.

Here’s where I’ll be signing Liza’s new story once it’s out in the world, along with both my already-out YAs:

Wednesday, April 6, 7 p.m.
Changing Hands Bookstore
6428 S McClintock Drive, Tempe, Arizona

Saturday, April 9 , 2 p.m.
Barnes and Noble Eastside
5130 E. Broadway Blvd, Tucson, Arizona

Saturday, May 14, 11 a.m.
Mysterious Galaxy’s 18th Birthday Bash
7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite #302, San Diego, California

But if you can’t be any of these places and would really like a signed copy of any of my books, you can also order one from Tucson’s Antigone Books.

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