Writers don’t really work in isolation

This is from the acknowledgements page of Thief Eyes. Because this book, more than most, is one I couldn’t have written alone. Takk fyrir–many thanks once again to you all.


Many Thanks To

Sigurður Atlason, manager of the Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft, and Björk Bjarnadóttir, environmental ethnologist, for answering my many questions and making me feel welcome in the Strandir region. Lárus Bragason, for a tour of the Njal’s Saga sites in the south of Iceland, where Hallgerd, Gunnar, and their neighbors lived. Matthias Johannsson of the Hótel Laugarhóll for the best meal I had in Iceland, with apologies for sending an earthquake to his hotel in return. Wildlife biologist Andrew Trent for answering my questions about polar bears. Stephanie Rosas, William Winhall, and Kelly Terry of SeaWorld San Diego for not only answering my questions but also letting me visit with their resident arctic foxes, Boris and Natasha.

Inga Þóra Ingvarsdóttir for reading the manuscript from an Icelander’s perspective, for answering more questions, and for always being willing to geek out about the sagas with me. Sarah Johnson and her daughter Elayne for reading the manuscript from the perspective of Americans living in Iceland, and all their family for welcoming us into their home. Everyone else who read all or part of the manuscript, sometimes on short notice: C.S. Adler, Catherine Keegan, Jill Knowles, Larry Hammer, Ann Manheimer, Patricia McCord, Earl Parrish, Frances Robertson, and Jennifer J. Stewart. My husband Larry Hammer again, because it was his idea to go to Iceland in the first place, and because his memory for visual details–not to mention his quiet conviction that of course I could write this book–helped me through countless scenes.

My fabulous editor at Random House, Jim Thomas, who always knows how to make my words better, as well as Random House editorial assistant Chelsea Eberly, publicist Meg O’Brien, and cover designer Heather Palisi, all of whom have helped to get those words out into the world.

My also-fabulous agent Nancy Gallt and her assistant Marietta Zacker.

With so many people doing so much to help me, any mistakes that remain must be my own. Thank you all. I couldn’t have written this one without you.

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