I had a blast reading the
sagafic contest entries, and was impressed by them again and again. It was fun to see all the different places the prompts led, and I really did feel like I was unwrapping a gift each time one was posted. Thank you for sharing your words with me.
I’ll post the winners soon (though you’re not making choosing easy at all), but first I’m linking to all the entries below, so that everyone else can have as much fun reading them as I did.
If you follow a link and enjoy what you read, comment and let the writer know!
akwilliams: In the end, my love was not enough to hold him.
brigidsblest: When was I not most wretched of women?/Woe I have worn like a woven wool wrap./Nine griefs I have known, pain everlasting:/As many as nights Odin hung from the tree.
brownkitty: “I already must grieve for my brother. Is it not enough for you that I set a bowl of porridge before his killer? You now want me to make of this a grand adventure? A saga?”
chloeeepatd: Ljótur made it his personal mission to teach Elísabet how to love Iceland, and all the beauty it held.
Elayne: Most people only see beauty when they watch the Northern Lights slowly glimmer in the dark sky. Most people see just a green slash, some bluish hues, and maybe, on a very lucky night, some reds woven into the mix … But only the rare and gifted see stories in the sky.
jazzfish: I had just reached my depiction of Hoskald’s well-deserved murder by Niall’s children when the first shell was loosed.
jenna_thorn: “Tomorrow I shall dye the wool. Not all of it, but some. Madder, I think, and the last of the woad. And iron, as always … Tomorrow you shall join the others to give council, to take council, to fight again.”
keylimetruffle: Thirteen minutes left and they would call for me again, call for me to drop the gun from my hands and to give myself to the authority as if I had the authority to do so in the first place.
kutay: I rubbed softly over the image of the stag’s head. It branded me as dangerous Prey.
rabid_ravener: Raptor sleek and stalking/Slip from enshrouding clouds …”