Time to focus on getting my focus on

Dear Tertiary Character Who Sure Likes to Talk a Lot,

You can’t go traveling with the protagonist. You know you can’t.

Why are you looking at me like that?

I swear, when I use words like “can’t?” You guys take it as a challlenge.



Dear Not-Quite-Perfect Character,

Wait–you I wanted to go with the protagonist. What do you mean maybe you won’t, maybe you have better things to do?

You guys. Seriously here.




And yet, now that you’re not going after all, I’m strangely disappointed.

What’s up with that?



Dear Another TCWSLTTAL,

Wow, you’re not entirely evil, and you can learn better.

Who knew? Totally wasn’t expecting that. Especially not this early in the book.



Dear Characters Who Are Totally Cute Together,

What’s with the not-kissing? There needs to be kissing here.

Seriously. Everyone who’s not-you would agree.


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