Friday linky

Meg Cabot on the importance of funny books. The short version: for some kinds of hard times, readers need books about lives that our harder than ours. But for other kinds of hard times, readers need a means of escape. (Via Robin Brande.)

Happy (belated) sixteenth birthday to San Diego’s Mysterious Galaxy! Ninc interviews bookstore co-owner Maryelizabeth Hart this week.

When it comes to writing, I tend to run a paced game, but there are almost as many processes as there are writers. pambachorz describes what a sprinter’s writing process looks like.

jimhines has a good rant about American attitudes toward obesity, and how those attitudes really mostly aren’t about health. Lots of good links in the comments, one of the best being to this post by Shapely Prose.

Victoria Janssen on one of the reasons being a real writer isn’t really about output or goals or any other measurable thing.

On mourning the end of a more literary culture that never really existed. (Via lyriclemon.)

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