Bones linky

Plus a quick non-Bones note: the book formerly known as TE and then unofficially known as Thief Eyes is now officially known as Thief Eyes. I’ve adjusted my tags accordingly. 🙂

Review in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel: “Bones of Faerie lingers in the mind, like any good fairy tale, where it slowly reveals layers of meaning.”

Aubrey reviews Bones of Faerie at My Favorite Author, then interviews me there a couple days later.

More takes (positive, negative, and in between) from: Practically Paradise, Prince Bathazar, Bookworm 4 Life, calepin‘s Take Notes!, The Not So Closet Geeks, Reading Rocks, Lauren and Alex of A Flight of Minds, Knight Reader, A Patchwork of Books, and Mixtures: Books…+

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