Love is the engine that gets you up the hill/Love is the speed and the noise and the thrill

pdlloyd seems to be have had a run in with her local Interdimensional Registry. If anyone has experience with their particular brand of bureaucracy, I’m sure she could use some advice. (ETA: Updates on go-arounds with said bureaucracy here.)

blackholly on the narrative function of werewolves.

yanewyork says some balanced and reasonable things about the NYTimes article on being a YA author, and comes around to the real point–that teens are getting good books.

In the course of research I stumbled upon this pair of arctic fox articles: one about a stowaway, the other about an escapee.

Random House’s new SF and fantasy focused Suvudu blog.

papersky over at Tor’s new blog on the non-problem of the singularity.

psamphire on writing characters, not types of characters.

Via halseanderson, J.L. Bell of Boston 1775″ takes a look at the historical notion that 1777 was the “year of the gallows.” (Part 1 and Part 2.) A good look at why primary sources matter, and at why we need to be careful accepting any received historical wisdom.

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