2. I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have to Kill You, by Ally Carter 3. Wind, Sand and Stars, by Antoine de Saint Exupéry (“I shall never be able to express clearly whence comes this please men take from aridity, but always and everywhere I have seen men attach themselves more stubbornly to barren lands than to any other …”) 4. The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint Exupéry (reread) 5. Hole in the Sky, by Pete Hautman 6. A Thief in the House of Memory, by Tim Wynne-Jones 7. Walk Two Moons, by Sharon Creech 8. Make Lemonade, by Virginia Euwer Wolff 9. The Candy Darlings, by Christine Walde (In some ways, the strangest book I’ve read all year.) 10. Wise Child, by Monica Furlong 11. The Rules of Survival, by Nancy Werlin 12. The Wayfinder, by Darcy Pattison 13. Antarctica: Journey to the Pole, by Peter Lerangis 14. Antarctica: Escape from Disaster, by Peter Lerangis 15. It’s a Mall World After All, by Janette Rallison 16. Clemency Pogue: Fairy Killer, by J.T. Petty 17. The Higher Power of Lucky, by Susan Patron 18. Z is for Zachariah, by Robert C. O’Brien 19. The King of Attolia, by Megan Whalen Turner 20. Gathering Blue, by Lois Lowry 21. After the Last Dog Died, by Carmen Bredeson 22. Devilish, by Maureen Johnson 23. Messenger, by Lois Lowry 24. Tell Me About It, by Carolyn Hax 25. Wicked Lovely, by Melissa Marr 26. The Thief, by Megan Whelan Turner 27. Green Angel, by Alice Hoffman 28. Just In Case, by Meg Rosoff 29. Njal’s Saga, translated by Robert Cook (reread, though in a different translation than last time) (“I do not know how the eyes of a thief have come into our family …”) 30. 13 Little Blue Envelopes, by Maureen Johnson 31. Who Are You People? A Journey into the Heart of Fanatical Passion in America, by Shari Caudron 32. The Queen of Attolia, Megan Whelan Turner (“If I am a pawn of the gods, it is because they know me so well, not because they make up my mind for me.”) (Also, you have to love someone who prays to his god, only to receive the response, “Stop whining.”) 33. The Secret Country, by Pamela Dean (reread) 34. The Hidden Land, by Pamela Dean (reread) 35. Winter Pony, by Krista Ruepp, translated by J. Alison James 36. My Side of the Mountain, by Jean Craighead George 37. The Whim of the Dragon, by Pamela Dean (reread) 38. Laxdæla Saga, translated by Keneva Kunz (reread) (“Take me with you, for it is not Iceland that I love …”) 39. The Vinland Sagas, translated by Keneva Kunz 40. The Xenophobe’s Guide to the Icelanders, by Richard Sale 41. Don’t Die Dragonfly, Linda Joy Singleton 42. Last Dance, Linda Joy Singleton 43. The Loki Wolf, by Arthur Slade 44. The Xenophobe’s Guide to the Americans, by Stephanie Faul 45. Erbyggja Saga, translated by Herman Pálsson and Paul Edwards 46. Into the Wild, by Sarah Beth Durst 47. Birdwing, by Rafe Martin 48. Gisli’s Saga, translated by Anthony Faulkes and George Johnston (Not as compelling in some ways as Njála and Laxdæla … but I find the memory of Gísli walking through the frost to make his final stand, his wife Auður and foster daughter Guðrið by his side, haunts me a little still.) 49. Stray, by Rachel Vincent 50. Art and Fear, by David Bayles and Ted Orland 51. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by J.K. Rowling 52. Olive’s Ocean, by Kevin Henkes (A nice example of a quiet middle grade novel.) 53. The Princess Pawn, by Maggie L. Wood 54. Egil’s Saga, translated by Bernard Scudder (reread) 55. The Shadow Thieves, by Anne Ursu 56. The Dark is Rising, by Susan Cooper (reread) 57. Skin Hunger: Book One, by Kathleen Duey 58. Hush, by Donna Jo Napoli (This one was interesting in that it takes as it’s subject Melkolla, the Irish slave–possibly princess–Höskuldur buys in Laxdæla Saga; Melkolla becomes the mother of Ólafur the Peacock and the grandfather of Kjartan.) 59. Thor’s Wedding Day, by Bruce Coville 60. Pretty Little Liars, by Sara Shepard 61. Evolution, Me, and Other Freaks of Nature, by Robin Brande 62. Teach Me, by R.A. Nelson (This book isn’t about having an affair with your teacher so much as it’s about adolescence and obsessiveness.) 63. Hard Love, by Ellen Wittlinger 64. Mountain Solo, by Jeanette Ingold 65. Zig Zag, by Ellen Wittlinger 66. Sandpiper, by Ellen Wittlinger (I’d say this was the best book I’d read this year, only I reread Njál’s Saga, too, and that’s pretty stiff competition. But an intense and compelling story, just the same.) 67. Surviving Antarctica: Reality TV 2083, by Andrea White (Pretty much set in what would be my own personal dystopia: a world where all children are required by law to watch television–EduTV–and even adults who don’t watch are looked at askance and have their patriotic loyalty questioned.) 68. River Rats, by Caroline Stevermer 69. Airfield, by Jeanette Ingold 70. The Dead and the Gone, by Susan Beth Pfeffer 71. The Latke Who Couldn’t Stop Screaming: A Christmas Story, by Lemony Snicket
Books read in 2007
Books that especially rocked my world, in one way or another, are in bold.