
Just left Kindling Words, which was as lovely and as hard-to-describe as always–it’s all about the discussions, really; all about the connecting with others and getting out of one’s writerly shell for a few days. I know that I spent three days talking nonstop (though I must have stopped, because the conference has a session or two a day, too) and generally recharging the writing batteries a little.

One of the loveliest thing about the conference is the bonfire–and this year, eight of die-hards stayed out in the cold after everyone else had gone in, singing mournful folk songs into the dying flames, which is a more heartening and beautiful thing than just saying so makes it seem. Recharging and regeneration, indeed.

jennifer_j_s and I are now in Manhattan, where we entered our hotel room, which we booked online, expecting standard tiny NYC accommodations, and found ourselves in a lovely two-room suite, instead. Which adds a bit more fun to the whole visiting-NYC experience. We’re here for a mix of meetings and playing tourist–should be fun regardless!

The locals tell us it’s cold today. By which we know they didn’t all spend the weekend in Vermont. It is in fact a beautiful, blustery day. 🙂

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