Wow. Just, wow. May be one of the best concerts I’ve been to. Kaplansky has an incredibly powerful voice in person, and she puts everything she has into each song, too.
Trivia: Cry, Cry, Cry‘s first concert was apparently here in Tucson, back in 1996, before I even knew about several of the singers I’m just discovering now. (Discovering as the result of some old tapes from lucy_anne, and some new CDs that lnhammer has been bringing home; sometimes, the radio is useless for finding interesting music.)
Some lyrics (song not written by Kaplansky, but I’m not forgetting who it is written by):
Open a dream it will probably break
Open a heart it will probably ache
Open a window it will probably rain
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
Kaplansky does a compelling job of being intense without being bitter.