Story House has been publishing poetry, essays, and short fiction on their labels for some years now. They do a classy job, imho–and I’m told by those who are actual coffee drinkers that the coffee is very good, too. 🙂
Because the cans change weekly, the window to order a can with any particular story on it is pretty narrow. Ordering information for my story is behind the cut tag, just in case anyone is interested.
Go to Select any bean type from the table on the left (either Decafs, Organics, or Fancy) – explanations of bean types are in the text on the right. Now here are the IMPORTANT parts: A small pop-up window should appear with various options. Unless you intend to sign up for a regular subscription with discount, just pick “one time only” for your delivery frequency. Click on the “add to cart button” To view your shopping cart and to finish checking out, click on the “shopping cart” button on the main page to see what you’ve ordered so far and follow the “checkout” instructions for entering in your credit card info, etc. And that should be it!
First, the deadline is midnight Sunday, December 28. (Unless you want to subscribe, and help encourage the idea of coffee can fiction in general 🙂
Click on the “our coffee” tab at the top of the page. This should take you to the coffee catalog.
Select any coffee that looks interesting to see the full description. Or just select the “add to cart” button to add the coffee to your shopping cart.
Make sure you pick the LEARNED BEANS LABEL (the label my story will appear on.)
Pick WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, as the shipment START DATE